Brewie Review
2 June, 2018So the brewie is probably my largest purchase for myself outside of a ford escape and my house both fo which were 7 years ago. Notes so far.
- It took > 6 months to arrive, customer support was terrible.
- Calibration. I could reallly use a better way to weight 10kg of water rather than 1 nalgene at a time.
- Need a cart, kinda too heavy for my folding table but still want to move it to get at back and brewing location and storage location might be different.
- They ship you a ready to go recipe which is great but interestingly they hide the exact mix of ingredients. You know the total grains and the hop timings but not the break down of grain/hop types/weights. A little homebrew/open source unfriendly. I know they’re tryingt to get you to buy more but harumph.
- Want to hook up a filter in line with my hose. Actually have a water filter but not confident I can make a non leaky connection.
- Looks like they put an irish moss tablet in with lat hop addition. Trying to think if there are other additions I should be making.
- Seems like you can mash/sparge at multiple temps.
- Originally suggested 6 hours. 5 hours seemed more correct + 15 minutes for cleanining. Automatic cooling is amazing.
- Cleaning wasn’t great and left sediment in the machine. Haven’t tried detergent cycle just quick and sanatize. Hop containers in particular have a good amount of hard to reach sediment. Need to get a better brush.
- Needs longer hoses had to jerry rig some drainage.
- May need to adjust my recipes.
- Alot of my equipment might get tossed. Even the brewing spoon. Time to put some ads on craigslist. (crosses fingers it doesn’t explode)